Fire & Safety

Community crime map.

For current activity in our community visit the community crime map provided by the Lexington Police Department at,%20KY

Contacting the police

Dial 911 for emergencies only.

Dial (859) 258-3600 for non-emergencies.

Dial 911 for emergencies only

Emergencies are:

  • Crimes in progress
  • Collisions with injuries
  • Medical emergencies
  • Fires
  • Electrical lines down
  • Gas/toxic leaks
  • An immediate situation where someone can be hurt

Stay on the telephone line and talk to the call taker, if you can do so safely, until police arrive. Provide the following:

  • The location of the emergency. Be as exact as possible, a house address or street intersection.
  • A description of the emergency or event.
  • Names and descriptions of persons involved.
  • Descriptions of vehicles involved.
  • Any injuries to yourself or other individuals along with the type of injury if known.
  • Were any weapons involved, and if so, how many and what type.

Cell Phones Please be aware that there are areas in the county that send calls to the Kentucky State Police. If your cell phone directs you to the Kentucky State Police, tell them you have an emergency in Fayette County and you need to speak to the Lexington Police Department. They will connect you immediately.

Dial (859) 258-3600 for non-emergencies

Non-emergencies are:

  • Crimes not in progress
  • Non-injury collisions
  • Scheduled events (i.e. parades, sports)
  • Weather conditions
  • Report requests or delayed reports
  • Dog barking
  • Loud music
  • Illegal parking
  • Traffic violations

The call taker will forward your information to a dispatcher who will assign a police unit to your request for assistance. Remember, emergency calls take priority and there may be times when patrol officers are extremely busy with priority calls.

Fire & Safety

Smoke alarm installation

The Lexington Fire Department Community Services Division, in partnership with the American Red Cross, will install 10 year lithium battery smoke alarms in all homes in Fayette County.

The smoke alarms are free and will be installed by the Lexington Fire Department at no cost to the occupant.

As part of the installation, the LFD will also conduct a fire safety inspection.

To schedule a smoke alarm installation

Contact the Lexington Fire Department via email at or call (859) 231-5662.

Please include the following information:

Name, Address, Contact info (phone or Email),

 Number of floors, Number of bedrooms, Do you already have alarms in your home and if so are they currently working and are they equipped with a battery or hard-wired into the home?

Neighborhood Garage Sale

Time for spring cleaning! The Spring Garage Sale will be Saturday May 19th 2018 from 8am to 4pm. There may be a second garage sale this year in coordination with nearby neighborhoods, so stay tuned for details!

Yard Waste Collection Delays

Due to a driver shortage, LFUCG is unable to collect all of our yard waste bins on with the normal waste collection on Thursday. If your bins are not collected on Thursday, please leave your yard waste bins out until they are collected, which should happen by Saturday.

Please call Lexcall (311) if you have any questions.